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Administrative Review UK Tier 4

With recent changes in UK law administrative review is in sharp focus when appeals are not allowed in most cases.

With UK visas and Immigration department now deciding student visa cases from their Sheffield office it is important that your application is initially filed properly along with sufficient evidence to satisfy tier 4 point based requirement. Moreover, it is important that every student takes the visa interview into focus now and is well prepared for the technical questions asked by visa officer to ascertain about student's intent to study in the UK.

With regards to Administrative Review, which is the preparation of formally submitting grounds in writing to request overturning of decision to be reviewed in student's favour. The review is carried out by a senior case manager who is different from the initial caseworker who has given the decision.

If you have a refusal, the first thing that you should do is contact us with the copy of refusal letter as soon as you can as there are limitations on time limits in, which the case has to be processed. Good advice can save you the hassle of applying for visa again and live with a refusal that was not your fault.

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